DEX Marketing Strategy – How to Effectively Market Your DEX

dex marketing strategyIf you’re looking for a comprehensive DEX marketing strategy, this post is for you. All strategies that we typically recommend are for sustainable growth. Having an influencer that just wants to take your money and do 3 posts isn’t the best sustainable growth plan.

The marketing strategy recommendations we’d make for your decentralized exchange strategy depends on several factors. Is your DEX pre-sale? Has your DEX launched but you have no users? Is your DEX being utilized and you want to take it to the next level? Each one of these will have a different DEX marketing strategy associated with it. Of course, budget as a large role as well.

With so much innovation happening in Defi, standing out from the crowd is more important than ever. You can have the best DEX on the market, but without marketing, it will inevitably take much longer to gain adoption.

In this post, we’ll focus on a few techniques which are proven to yield favorable results. Our DEX marketing agency is always staying up to date with the latest marketing strategies and techniques to keep you one step ahead.

DEX Marketing Strategy #1 – Paid Ads with Twitter Sponsored Ads

While paying for influencers has historically been known as marketing, our goal is to produce sustainable growth. With Twitter Sponsored Ads, we’re able to target users based on their Tweets, cashtag searches, hashtag searches, accounts they follow, and more. As you can imagine, you can get extremely granular with the targeting and we’re masters at creating the proper personas and audiences for your ad.

Thinking outside of the box is something we’re known for. While anyone can create an ad campaign, we’ve been able to successfully reduce cost per acquisitions by 40-60% in several cases. Our team is trusted with Paid Ad budgets in excess of $80k+ per month (for one project). Learn more about our crypto paid ads strategies & solutions by clicking the link.

Our team also doesn’t just “set it and forget it”. We’re constantly analyzing data, doing A/B testing, and more to ensure that your offer isn’t only being seen by the proper audience but that they are also taking action. Granular tracking allows us to ascertain which campaigns are performing and which ones are not. As optimization continues, budgets typically get more and more efficient which leads to more favorable results as data is analyzed and acted upon.

DEX Marketing Strategy #2 – Paid Ads with Display Ads has formed relationships direct with several publishers in the crypto space. This equates to you not paying a “middle man” fee on top of the publishers required rates. Our list was curated by quality and popularity so while we have several of the most popular publishers available, we also have several niche platforms which are more cost appropriate and targets your audience in a finer way. Our crypto marketing agency has managed over $20 million dollars in ad-spend, so it is safe to say your campaign is safe in our hands.

As an example, it wouldn’t make sense to display your ad on a website focused on a P2E gaming site.

Similar to Twitter Ads, this dex marketing strategy also allows us to finely tune and track the results of the campaign by creating custom tracking URLs. This allows us to track the success of the campaign and because there are no monthly contracts, we’ll never expect you to stay should you see a non-profitable campaign.

DEX Marketing Strategy #3 – DEX Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (a.k.a SEO)  is an underutilized DEX marketing strategy. Google is the #1 most visited website in the world. Nearly everyone heads to Google to find a new product, service, compare, or transact. It needs no introduction. However, getting your DEX on Page One of Google without paying for ads each time someone clicks on your website might be a bit of a mystery to you.

There are two conditions your DEX must satisfy to fall into the good graces of Google. First is on-page SEO. This is the number of pages indexed on your website, how much content is on your website, how often your website is refreshed with new content (easiest with a WordPress Blog integrated on your website), inner linking, website architecture, and more. Some factors like domain age are outside of your control but you should do everything within your control to have the upper hand when compared to competitors. Blogging frequently and doing it technically correct is critical to the long-term growth of unique visitor acquisition.

The second condition is off-page SEO. This is known as backlinks or simply put, “mentions”. If you look at the first paragraph in this section, you’ll see Google is hyperlinked. You can click that link and you are send to Google. So Google got a backlink from this blogpost. Not all backlinks are created equal. As you can imagine, getting a backlink from a popular website like Forbes is valued differently when compared to a website that was just launched that no one knows about. There are over 12 different types of backlinks that you can obtain.

As a crypto SEO agency, we handle everything for you. On-page, Off-page, and more. Of course, we’ve taken a look at the offerings in the space and confident is saying the value we offer is generous to say the least. Whether your DEX marketing strategy has a minimal budget or the ambitions to take on Uniswap, our team can assist you.

Receive a Custom DEX Marketing Strategy w/Discovery Call

The best part about our team is we’re very helpful. Whether you choose to go with us or not, you’ll learn a lot by giving us a call. Our team is very passionate about the crypto and blockchain industry and combine our 20+ years of digital marketing experience and our in-depth knowledge of the crypto markets to help boost adoption of your decentralized exchange. Marketing doesn’t need to be complicated.

One of the most common pieces of feedback we get is that teams are just too swamped and wearing way to many hats. Our team can act as an extension to your team, lifting the marketing burden off of your shoulders and creating a world class marketing strategy designed to deliver results and hit the KPIs you identify as important.

Getting started is simple, just book a time on our Calendly that works well for you and we’ll learn more about your DEX and formulate a DEX marketing strategy on our next call!

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